Depending on the cover you selected, the purpose of LPI is to pay a benefit if you are Disabled, Accidentally Injured, Involuntarily Unemployed, or become a Full-Time Carer. These benefits are paid to your Credit Provider to help pay your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your loan.
Disablement Cover
If you are disabled and unable to work, this cover could help by paying Your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your Loan. For each day after the 5 day Waiting Period, 1/30th of Your Minimum Monthly Repayment will be paid. The most paid during your period of insurance is $75,000.
Disabled means that, solely due to Sickness, Injury or a medical condition, you are:
- unable to perform all the important income producing duties of your usual occupation;
- not employed or working whether remunerated or not; and
- under the care, treatment and following the advice of a Medical Practitioner
Accidental Injury Cover
If you are Accidentally Injured and unable to work, this cover could help by paying your Minimum Monthly Repayment under our Loan. For each day after the 5-day waiting period, 1/30th of Your Minimum Monthly Repayment will be paid. The most paid during your period of insurance is $75,000.
Involuntary Unemployment Cover
If you are Involuntarily Unemployed, this cover could help by paying your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your Loan. For each day after the 5 day Waiting Period, 1/30th of Your Minimum Monthly Repayment (Involuntary Unemployment Benefit) will be paid
The most paid duri...
Depending on the cover you selected, the purpose of LPI is to pay a benefit if you are Disabled, Accidentally Injured, Involuntarily Unemployed, or become a Full-Time Carer. These benefits are paid to your Credit Provider to help pay your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your loan.
Disablement Cover
If you are disabled and unable to work, this cover could help by paying Your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your Loan. For each day after the 5 day Waiting Period, 1/30th of Your Minimum Monthly Repayment will be paid. The most paid during your period of insurance is $75,000.
Disabled means that, solely due to Sickness, Injury or a medical condition, you are:
- unable to perform all the important income producing duties of your usual occupation;
- not employed or working whether remunerated or not; and
- under the care, treatment and following the advice of a Medical Practitioner
Accidental Injury Cover
If you are Accidentally Injured and unable to work, this cover could help by paying your Minimum Monthly Repayment under our Loan. For each day after the 5-day waiting period, 1/30th of Your Minimum Monthly Repayment will be paid. The most paid during your period of insurance is $75,000.
Involuntary Unemployment Cover
If you are Involuntarily Unemployed, this cover could help by paying your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your Loan. For each day after the 5 day Waiting Period, 1/30th of Your Minimum Monthly Repayment (Involuntary Unemployment Benefit) will be paid
The most paid during the period of insurance is the Involuntary Unemployment Benefit for 12 months or $20,000, whichever is less.
To be eligible for Involuntary Unemployment Benefits you must be employed for at least 60 consecutive days immediately before becoming Involuntarily Unemployed.
You cannot receive an Involuntary Unemployment Benefit or Carer Benefit at the same time.
Carer Cover
If you voluntarily cease working in your usual occupation to take care of an immediate family member on a Full-Time Basis and this decision was made on a Medical Practitioner’s recommendation, this cover could help by paying your Minimum Monthly Repayment under your Loan. For each day after the 5 day Waiting Period, 1/30th of your Minimum Monthly Repayment (Carer Benefit) will be paid.
The most we will pay during the period of insurance is the Carer Benefit for 12 months or $20,000, whichever is less.
To be eligible for Involuntary Carer Benefits You must be employed for at least 60 consecutive days immediately before becoming Involuntarily Unemployed or a Full-Time Carer.
The Involuntarily Unemployment Benefit and the Carer Benefit will not be paid at the same time.
What benefits are excluded by a pre-existing condition and what is a pre-existing condition?
You will not be paid a Disablement Benefit or an Accidental Injury Benefit if the event giving rise to your claim is directly or indirectly as a result of a Pre-existing Condition:
A Pre-existing Condition is:
- any Sickness, Injury or medical condition You have been diagnosed with but not recovered from; or
- any Sickness, Injury or medical condition for which, in the three years prior to the Policy Commencement Date:
- symptoms existed that would cause a reasonable person to seek advice, care or treatment from a Medical Practitioner or Health Professional; or
- medical advice or treatment was recommended by, or received from, a Medical Practitioner or Health Professional.
What is your Minimum Monthly Repayment?
It is no more than the minimum amount you must pay your Credit Provider under the Loan each month. It does not include any overdue payments (or interest on them), fees, charges, expenses or duties owed, or any other amounts you might owe because of overdue payments. It also does not include any residual or Balloon Payment under the Loan. This may not be the same as the actual Loan repayments you are making at time of claim.
More about Loan Protection Insurance
All benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions (including limitations, exclusions and waiting periods so it is important that you read the PDS before making any decisions about this product. Please read the PDS which is available on this website.